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Please find policies and information relevant to SEND development and delivery in Liverpool. 


Here is where you can find information about City Council reviews or consultations related to young people and/or SEND.

SEND School Review

Liverpool Council is considering a review of special school provision, to address the shortfall in special school places and to manage the increased demand for children and young people who have special educational needs.

Since 2019 there has been a 46% increase in the number of children and young people with education health and care plans (EHCPs). Liverpool now maintains over 4000 EHCPs. This increase, coupled with a projected population increase, means that changes are necessary to create a sustainable long-term plan. The plan will create additional special school places in the city.

Draft proposals have been submitted to cabinet and permission sought to consult with affected schools. The cabinet report is available in the link

All stakeholders will have the opportunity to participate in an informal consultation which will take place from 16th March -11th May 2022. We welcome the views of all stakeholders so that a high-quality sustainable offer can be developed for the children and young people in the city.

SEND Joint Strategic Needs Analysis

SEND Joint Strategic Needs Analysis

Liverpool is committed to meeting the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) living in the city. This Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a review of the current and future education, health and social care needs of children and young people between the ages of 0 to 25 with SEND which is reviewed every 3 years.

 The JSNA incorporates local and national data, evidence and information from local partners. The JSNA has been co-produced with involvement of service users, parents/carers, children/young people and their representative organisations. The JSNA will help to better understand and identify the needs of our SEND community, and how we all work together to improve outcomes.

Liverpool’s Joint Local Area Inspection - Outcome Letter

Liverpool’s Joint Local Area Inspection - Outcome Letter

Ofsted and CQC jointly inspect local areas to see how well they fulfil their responsibilities for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The inspection of Liverpool provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities took place between 14th and 18th January 2019. At the end of the inspection, the inspection team evaluated all of the evidence gathered and produced Liverpool's Joint Outcome Letter.   The letter explains the main findings and makes recommendations for improvement.  

In response to the areas of concern identified, Liverpool has produced a Written Statement of Action (WSOA) that explains how Liverpool will tackle the areas of significant weakness identified. Liverpool has used the independent findings from Ofsted and the CQC as a driver for change and is committed to delivering the improvements required.

Liverpool's Written Statement of Action was deemed fit for purpose by Ofsted on 23 August 2019.  The SEND Partnership is now working to implement and deliver the statement. Click here for Joint local area inspection guidance

SEND School Review


Liverpool Council is considering a review of special school provision, to address the shortfall in special school places and to manage the increased demand for children and young people who have special educational needs.


Since 2019 there has been a 46% increase in the number of children and young people with education health and care plans (EHCPs). Liverpool now maintains over 4000 EHCPs. This increase, coupled with a projected population increase, means that changes are necessary to create a sustainable long-term plan. The plan will create additional special school places in the city.


Draft proposals have been submitted to cabinet and permission sought to consult with affected schools. The cabinet report is available in the link


All stakeholders will have the opportunity to participate in an informal consultation which will take place from 16th March -11th May 2022. We welcome the views of all stakeholders so that a high-quality sustainable offer can be developed for the children and young people in the city.